Practice Makes Drawing Easy

by A&C member : ARANGGI

Hello, my name is Ranggi.

Being an artist is like doing what you love and you are paid for it, when i'm still in high school , I saw a lot of incredible artists who are doing commission work and a lot of comic book artist who found their success in internet.

I'm struggling with human anatomy before,then I practiced every part of it every day. I'm using A4 paper to practice till I'm used to it. Now I easily realize if there's something wrong with the anatomy.

I'm working in the office before working as a freelancer, after i quit my job it's take 3 month for me to finally found Artist and Clients when i'm searching in google analytics ( I know it's weird but that's how I found it).

First time I created an account and slots one day later clients commissioned me, and until now every month at least 2 or 3 people are commission me via Artist and Clients.

Thank you for promoting our art and helping us to find a client.